Spooks: The Herding of Humanity Published May 20, 2021 | By Dr. Will Tuttle | WorldPeaceDiet.org

We humans have been herding animals as livestock for thousands of years, using our superior intellects to exploit them relentlessly. Though we know they suffer at our hands, with regard to animals, we smash the Golden Rule to smithereens.

Pig by visionary artist Madeleine TuttleWe don’t seem to realize it, but we pay a steep price for the ongoing avalanche of abuse we inflict on them. In stealing the purposes and sovereignty of cows, pigs, chickens, and other animals, we have eroded our inherent sovereignty, intelligence, spiritual clarity, self-respect, inner peace, and ethical integrity. Now we see our enslavement of animals boomeranging especially vividly into our human world, with many of the same dynamics playing out before our eyes.

For example, it’s not difficult for a handful of relatively incompetent shepherds or cowboys to successfully herd several hundred sheep or cows into a corral with a chute to be trucked off to be hung upside down and stabbed to death. The main technique is to spook them. Spooking the animals causes them to stampede in the desired direction. By simply applying some spooking actions, like loud shouts and shocking sounds, or slaps, whacks, and abrupt, frightening movements, the animals predictably flee in the direction they’re being guided, right to their terrifying demise. By riding horses, and using dogs and fences, the process is even more manageable and predictable.

Cow by visionary artist Madeleine TuttleThe herders may have, up until this roundup, posed as benefactors to the animals, making sure they had safety, food, and water. Now however, their true intent and purpose is revealed. The good shepherd’s mask comes off. The formerly friendly herder shows his true face and the animal victims seem powerless to resist or escape.

Perhaps in all the confusion of the roundup, a few courageous and wily cows or sheep might be able to slip away into the surrounding forest, unnoticed by the herders, and live out their days in peace, free from human exploitation. Or even more remarkably, all the cows or sheep might simply refuse to be spooked and bullied by the tiny handful of humans, and decide to turn and easily trample by them and then live out their lives in peace and freedom, fulfilling their purposes in nature as they have done for millions of years before the advent of human herders.

Clearly, we are in an analogous position today, and the vast mass of humanity is being spooked, often quite clumsily, by a tiny elite that takes advantage of our gullibility, conformity, and complacency to relentlessly spook and herd us into the chute of complete oppression, and the misery to which that inevitably leads. The captured media is the main tool used to spook the public, and the herders now ride their horses of power as authorities in governmental, corporate, and academic institutions, with a whole army of herd-dogs in the form of indoctrinated journalists, public health bureaucrats, and medical personnel, and with plenty of fencing installed to censor alternative views and stifle debate, critical thinking, and community solidarity.

For those with eyes and ears, there are two main points to consider and upon which to act. First, actively question the bogus medical narratives that attempt to stampede the global populace into abject submission. Refusing to be spooked or to comply with the mandates and social pressure to conform, endeavor to exemplify the noble qualities of human dignity, self-reliance, compassion, justice, and freedom, and to educate others about the hidden agenda being forced onto humanity by its would-be herders.

Please continue reading on Will’s website: http://www.worldpeacediet.com/2021/05/spooks-the-herding-of-humanity/

and prepare to be amazed when you read his bio! http://worldpeacediet.org/bio.htm

Thank you, Will!

Source: Spooks: The Herding of Humanity Published May 20, 2021 | By Will Tuttle