Salt And Strokes, Fat And Diabetes, Diabetic Medications – Joel Fuhrman M.D.

Joel Fuhrman M.D., a board-certified family physician who specializes in preventing and reversing disease through nutritional and natural methods, and #1 New York Times bestselling author of Eat to Live, Super Immunity and The End of Diabetes, delivers a powerful paradigm-shifting lecture showing us how and why we never need to diet again.

You will understand the key principles of the science of health, nutrition and weight loss. It will give you a simple and effective strategy to achieve—and maintain—an optimal weight without dieting for the rest of your life. This new approach will free you forever from a merry-go-round of diets and endless, tedious discussions about dieting strategies. This is the end of dieting.”

The Benefits of Slow Breathing | Dr. Michael Greger,

There are all manner of purported hiccup “cures,” which include everything from chewing on a lemon, inhaling pepper, or, our dog’s favorite, eating a spoonful of peanut butter. In my video How to Strengthen the Mind-Body Connection, I talk about the technique I’m excited to try the next time I get hiccups: “supra-supramaximal inspiration,” where you take a very deep breath, hold for ten seconds, then, without exhaling, breathe in even more and hold for another five seconds, and then take one final, tiny breath in and hold for five last seconds to achieve “an immediate and permanent termination to hiccups…”

When I was a kid, I taught myself to control my own hiccups using slow-paced breathing, and, as an adult, was so excited to see there was finally a case report written up on it.

There’s a nerve—the vagus nerve—that goes directly from our brain, to our chest, and to our stomach, connecting our brain back and forth to our heart and our gut, and even to our immune system. The vagus nerve is like the “‘hard-wired’ connection” that allows our brain to turn down inflammation within our body. When you hear about the mind-body connection, that’s what the vagus nerve is and does. “There has been increasing interest in treating a wide range of disorders with implanted pacemaker-like devices for stimulating the vagal afferent [vagus nerve] pathways,” but certain Eastern traditions like Yoga, QiGong, and Zen figured a way to do it without having electrodes implanted into your body.

“A healthy heart is not a metronome,” as a study titled exactly that explains. “Your heart rate goes up and down with your breathing. When you breathe in, your heart rate tends to go up. When you breathe out, your heart rate tends to go down.” Test this out on yourself right now by feeling your pulse change as you breathe in and out.

Isn’t that remarkable?

That heart-rate variability is a measure of vagal tone—the activity of your vagus nerve. Next time you’re bored, try to make your heart rate speed up and slow down as much as possible within each breath. This can be done because there’s an entirely other oscillating cycle going on at the same time, as you can see at 2:08 in my video, which is the speeding up and then slowing down of your heart rate, based on moment-to-moment changes in your blood pressure. And, as any physics student can tell you, “all oscillating feedback systems with a constant delay have the characteristic of resonance,” meaning you can boost the amplitude if you get the cycles in sync. It’s like pushing your kid on a swing: If you get the timing just right, you can boost them higher and higher. Similarly, if you breathe in and out at just the right frequency, you can force the cycles in sync and boost your heart rate variability, as you can see at 2:36 in my video.

And what’s the benefit again? According to the neurophysiologic model postulation it allows us to affect the function of our autonomic nervous system via vagal afferents to brainstem nuclei like the locus coeruleus, activating hypothalamic vigilance areas.


In other words, it’s not just about curing hiccups. Practicing slow breathing a few minutes a day may have lasting beneficial effects on a number of medical and emotional disorders, including asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and depression. In the United States, we’ve also put it to use to improve batting performance in baseball.

To date, most studies have lacked proper controls and have used fancy biofeedback machines to determine each person’s resonant frequency, but, for most people, it comes out to be about five and a half breaths per minute, which is a full breath in and out about every 11 seconds. You can see the graph at 3:34 in my video. When musicians were randomized into slow-breathing groups with or without biofeedback, slow breathing helped regardless. It’s the same with high blood pressure. As you can see at 3:52 in my video, you can use this technique to significantly drop your blood pressure within minutes. The hope is if you practice this a few minutes every day, you can have long-lasting effects the rest of the day breathing normally.

Practice what exactly? Slow breathing—taking five or six breaths per minute, split equally between breathing in and breathing out. So, that’s five seconds in, then five seconds out, all the while breathing “shallowly and naturally.” You don’t want to hyperventilate, so just take natural, shallow breaths, but be sure to simply breathe really slowly. Try it the next time you get hiccups. Works for me every time!

For more tips, watch my video on How to Stop Hiccups.

And, because slowing down our pulse in general may also have beneficial effects, I encourage you to check out:

Every time I’m amazed by ancient wisdom, I have to remind myself of the video I did on toxic heavy metals—Get the Lead Out. So, though traditional healing methods may offer a plethora of insights, they still need to be put to the test.

In health,
Michael Greger, M.D.

PS: If you haven’t yet, you can subscribe to my free videos here and watch my live presentations:

Source: The Benefits of Slow Breathing |

Source: The Benefits of Slow Breathing |

Sheldon: The Starch Solution Was My Solution – Everything I saw, I ate!

Many years ago, I was a 253 blob of a man with a cholesterol of 420. My best friend was a doctor who told me to just watch what I eat. That was the problem—everything I saw, I ate!

Realizing I had to take accountability for myself, I began the task of getting healthy. How I never had a heart attack was a miracle in itself. I followed many diets to no avail. Eventually, I read Nathan Pritikin’s books and started eating a diet consisting of nothing with a mother or father and lots of vegetables and fresh fruit. I did well on the program but felt too restricted and for one reason or another I was back to a bad diet. Fast forward 30 years and my weight was fluctuating from 220 to 240 while on a number of cholesterol drugs, niacin and whatever else would help. I was confused and frustrated.  A life of deprivation is just no fun.

At age 60, I won the right to have an ablation for atrial flutter. That was the wakeup call.  I studied and researched and got rid of as much stress as I could. I even divorced my wife of 42 years – lots of stress there! Biking and working out became an obsession, but you can’t outwork a bad diet.  So, I read and researched again. I found the work of T. Colin Campbell, Dr. Ornish, Dr. Esselstyn, Dr. Barnard and all those who believe in a plant based whole food diet.  I even read How Not To Die by Dr. Gregor. I sucked the information in like a sponge.

Somehow while searching YouTube, I discovered Dr. McDougall. How lucky for me because The Starch Solution was my solution!  So easy, so tasty, no limitations on volume and all comfort food…heaven at last! And the weight melted off of me.  I won’t bore you with the journey as I’m still on it, but I had to actually put on 10 pounds because even my doctor said 160 pounds at 6’2” was looking too lean. I think the best part of your program is that a little ketchup or sugar is okay, but just watch it. That in itself makes for no deprivation. I still laugh when people ask me how I lost all the weight and I tell them to just eat carbs! They don’t get it.

In short, because of you I have gone from 256 pounds down to a low of 160 pounds and back up to a healthy 170 pounds.  A waist from 48 to 30 inches. I work out 3-4 times per week with weights, some cardio and I have completed four 100-mile bike rides for charity. My life partner is 15 years younger than me (I’m 73), so it’s important for me to slow the aging process down as much as possible.

Here are my current labs:

Total Cholesterol: 85 – Yes, not 185 but 85!
HDL: 52
LDL: 25
Triglycerides: 39
Glucose: 79

My preventive cardiologist says I have the lowest numbers he has ever seen.  He kind of got me on the right track because he only eats fish and vegetables. I told him to cut out the fish but he says I’m just too disciplined.  It makes me laugh. Yes, I’m really disciplined—when I get hungry I have a re-baked potato for a snack and never count calories or volumes.

Thank you so much for all of your tenacity and dedication. Don’t give up—the animals, this earth and people like me greatly appreciate all you have, and continue, to do for people and not for big Pharma. I just signed up for your mailings and am looking forward to one of your future programs.  Thanks again for giving me my life back. When I finally get to meet you, I can thank you in person and I am looking forward to it.

Read on Dr. McDougall’s site and share!


Nutrition Bite: This causes 30-35% of cancer


For today’s nutrition bite, we’re exploring what causes cancer and 2 things you can do to protect yourself.

In 2008, researchers at the MD Anderson Cancer Center set out to understand what was driving our global cancer epidemic.

Was it genetics? Pollution? A simple consequence of longer lifespans?

After a huge analysis of peer-reviewed studies, they concluded this…

30 to 35% of all cancer cases are caused by diet. [1]

That’s even more than the number of cases caused by smoking!

Sadly, not much has changed since then. Last year the modern diet caused more than 2 million cancer deaths.

So how can you avoid becoming another cancer statistic? Fortunately, there are some pretty simple steps to reduce your risk.

  1. Avoid the foods studies have clearly shown increase your risk for cancer.
  2. Eat the foods that are richest in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, flavonoids, and polyphenols known to prevent cancer. Get a list of cancer fighting food here!

For example, ditch the sugary treats (known to increase your risk of cancer) and enjoy red grapes instead. They’re nature’s candy and are packed with phytonutrients, flavonoids, and resveratrol!

Want to learn more?

Let’s turn these statistics around!


P.S. When you download the Eat to Defeat Cancer ebook, or sign up for the summit, right now you’ll have access to an interview with Kristi Funk. Dr. Funk is a board-certified breast cancer surgeon and John Robbins interviewed her yesterday about The Ultimate Cancer-Kicking Diet.

This interview is only on replay until 11am Pacific today!

[1] Preetha Anand, et al., “Cancer is a preventable disease that requires major lifestyle changes.”, Pharmaceutical Research, vol 9, 2008.

COVID-19 in the Blue Zones—What’s Helping Elders in Sardinia, Italy – Blue Zones

Italy was hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic, but in the blue zones region of Sardinia, while their daily routines look different, they are optimistic that this hardship will pass.

In one town, only one resident has been diagnosed with the coronavirus

Italy has the third-highest number of coronavirus infections, after the U.S. and Spain. But its ancient, isolated island of Sardinia, one of the world’s five blue zones hasn’t been devastated by the pandemic. It appears that some of the reasons blue zones Sardinians are able to live vitally into their 80s, 90s, and 100s may be helping them stave off COVID-19 — and sustaining them during their country’s lockdown.

Strong, local family bonds, as well as a penchant for purposeful work that involves exercise, are signposts of the blue zones and the older residents of Sardinia exemplify them.

It’s completely natural for me and my siblings to take care of my parents.

Take Maria Cirrone, 87, and her 93-year-old husband, Giovanni Andrea Meles. They’ve been housebound in the town of Orosei, Sardinia, since March 9 because of the pandemic; just one resident there has been diagnosed with the coronavirus — after returning from overseas.

Surrounded By Family in the Blue Zone

Gonario Murru and Maria Frau with their
children and grandchildren

Unlike many older Americans who live far from their adult children and must fend for themselves while sheltering in place, Maria Cirrone and Giovanni Andrea Meles are surrounded by doting family. The couple live with two of their seven grown children, a son and daughter who are single and assist with cooking and household chores.

And every day, their youngest daughter, Liliana Meles, 47, brings her parents food and other supplies. Mom assures Liliana that her life will soon be normal again.

“My mother tells me often these days, ‘Don’t worry, we went through many hard times before and this, too, will pass,’’’ she said. “It’s completely natural for me and my siblings to take care of my parents. In Italy, and especially Sardinia, we have a large family mindset.”

Don’t worry, we went through many hard times before and this, too, will pass. — Giovanni Andrea Meles, Sardinia, ItalyCLICK TO TWEETOrosei, a scenic town with winding streets, stunning beaches and rugged cliffs on the eastern coast of Sardinia, is about 470 miles southwest of Italy’s worst-hit region around Milan — a distance that has likely protected it from a widespread outbreak of the virus.

Also, about 50% of Sardinians have a genetic mutation that may make them immune to malaria and may possibly also protect them against COVID-19, according to professors at University of Sassari in Sardinia — although research is needed.

In Sardinia, like most other blue zones, very few of the oldest residents live alone in nursing homes, which are virus hotspots in the United States. Here, many families of two or three generations live under the same roof or within walking distance of one another.

In Sardinia, Keeping Parents Healthy During COVID-19

During the pandemic, adult children of Sardinia are doing everything they can to keep their parents healthy.

Liliana Meles is relieved that her father (who once worked in Orosei’s marble quarries and now suffers from the lung disease silicosis) returned home after a hospital stay in January, before the virus spread to Italy.

“He would have been in danger in a hospital,” she said.

Gonario Murru, 89, and his wife Maria Frau, 76, live near four of their six children in Orosei, and saw them every day before the coronavirus. They also had been taking care of their three youngest grandchildren on weekday afternoons. And the couple frequently stopped by a popular bakery owned and operated by their youngest daughter Sara and her husband; Maria sometimes helped, preparing pastries and other sweets.

In recent weeks, though, they’ve limited contact with their grandchildren to phone calls. They’ve stopped visiting the bakery. And they haven’t been joining their family for a customary Sunday lunch.

Working Outdoors, Alone

But they’re hardly idle.

Gonariou Murru was elated when, shortly after Italy’s lockdown began, local government officials announced that he and other family farmers could drive to their land in the countryside to tend their gardens and care for their chickens, sheep, and pigs.

“He called me right away to say he could go outdoors again,” said his daughter, Sara. “This is work he loves to do.”

He now drives alone to his land nearly every day, returning home with enough ripe fruit and vegetables for the entire family. His wife, meanwhile, is busy in her kitchen, preparing special dishes for her children and grandchildren.

Differing Views About Protecting Mom and Dad

Their kids, however, disagree over how to best protect them during the pandemic.

Sara, who drops by to see her parents regularly, following the coronavirus’ handwashing and mask rules, thinks they’re safest sheltering at home. Her oldest sister Antonella agrees and even advised her father to isolate himself in one bedroom of his large home — guidance he has followed haphazardly. But other siblings think these restrictions are harmful to their parents’ health.

“Even if they don’t get the virus, if they go on living this ‘home detention,’ they could get seriously ill from isolation,” daughter Nicoletta said. “Just watch their eyes light up when we visit them.”

Making Adjustments for Easter 2020

Easter Sunday required big adjustments.

Instead of going to church with its outdoor pre-service pageant and then having a holiday meal together, the family stayed home and ate separately. They remained home again on Easter Monday, a day when Sardinians usually gather in large groups for picnics with friends and relatives.

They still found a way to share the holiday.

Maria Frau and her daughters prepared favorite recipes and left portions at one another’s homes.

Gonario Murru, who was a shepherd when he was young and later ran a hardware business, questions the logic of the last six weeks.

“My main concern is the sudden cut to personal freedom — without distinctions and with many contradictions,” he said. “We’ve tried hard to comply with the rules and have not seen all our children and grandchildren, even though we live in a place where there is only one case of COVID-19. I wonder what sense this makes. But I’m glad we are all well.”

This article was originally published on Next Avenue.


By Barbara Schintu and Carol Hymowitz, Barbara Schintu is a journalist who reports and writes frequently for L’Unione Sarda. She lives in Orosei, Sardinia. Carol Hymowitz is a writer, editor and recognized expert on longevity and the retirement savings crisis, management trends and diversity in the workplace. She is co-author of A History of Women in America and a contributor to Getting Older; How We’re Coping with the Gray Areas of Aging. She is a consulting research scholar at the Stanford Longevity Center.

Source: COVID-19 in the Blue Zones—What’s Helping Elders in Sardinia, Italy – Blue Zones

See more Must Read articles from the Blue Zones folks!

… plus lots of recipes!


lo-mein lentil-soup-swiss-chardraspberry-chia-jamMatcha Custard with Berries


How Foul Is Fowl? Dr. John McDougall

Click here to read on Dr. McDougall’s website

How Foul Is Fowl?

Chicken and turkey are called “white meats,” as in “clean white meat,” and are considered to be health foods.  The truth is fowl are filthy with a multitude of disease-causing ingredients. The horrible threat of a bird flu pandemic may cause health-conscious people to examine more closely the facts behind this traditional meal centerpiece—and we may see something like how mad cow disease, with all the emotions it aroused, caused people to rethink beef.  Even though to date only a handful of people have died from either of these animal-borne infections, the fear of these two diseases could save millions of lives as people refrain from eating the more ordinary, but very lethal, parts of an animal’s tissues.

The tissues of all fowl consist primarily of artery-clogging fat and cholesterol, and bone-destroying protein and acid.  They are completely devoid of energy-giving carbohydrate and bowel-moving fiber.  Like “sauce on the goose” they are contaminated with deadly microbes and cancer-causing chemicals.  Have I stimulated your appetite?—to learn more?

Amazing What People Eat

A fowl is a bird of any kind, although some types of birds use the word specifically in their names; for example, Guineafowl and Peafowl.  Chickens and turkeys are the most popular birds found on people’s dinner plates. In the US, over 35 billion tons of chicken are consumed annually, with a per capita intake of 87 pounds a year.  About 18 pounds per person of turkey are consumed each year.  The scare of bird flu has already begun to take a bite, with chicken consumption down almost 90% in some European markets and India, and chicken prices are plummeting.

Besides chicken and turkey, Westerners also eat ducks, guinea hens, quail, pheasants, geese, and ostriches.  In other cultures, people are known to eat anything they can catch, including parrots, swans, emus, rheas, and even penguins.

Parts commonly eaten are the muscles, skin, and fat of the fowl.  People also eat the heart, liver, and gizzard – collectively known as the giblets.  A prized delicacy, Foie gras (which is French for “fat liver”), is made from the enlarged livers of male ducks and geese.  The Chinese even eat the chicken’s feet—and chicken feet represented 43% of US poultry sales to China. (Recipe: Wash chicken feet. Chop off toenails.  The feet are first fried, then marinated, and finally steamed.)

Fowl Is Rich Feast Food—at Best/Worst

Birds as food have traditionally been considered a delicacy—a fare reserved for holidays, like Thanksgiving, or as a treat for Sunday’s dinner.  Today’s practice of “making every day a feast day” has caused the worldwide epidemic of malnutrition from overnutrition—now the most important killer of all.  Too many calories, and too much fat and protein, mean disease—like obesity, heart attacks, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, and much more suffering.

The fat and protein content of a bird depends in large part upon its diet and activity level. (Heard that one before?)  Wild birds are generally much leaner, and therefore, lower in fat and higher in protein.  Meat breeds are chickens developed for their quick growth—heavy with fat and muscle—they are mass produced specifically to be eaten.  The fat and cholesterol in fowl permeate its flesh; they cannot be cut away.

Birds and bird parts with a lower fat content are by nature higher in protein.  Excess protein is as damaging to health as is excess fat—causing kidney stones, loss of kidney function, osteoporosis, and cancers (lymphomas).  You will hardly find a “micro-spec” of dietary fiber or carbohydrate in a bird carcass.

Comparison of Food Values1*

  Bird (roasted) Fat
% Calories
% Calories
mg/100 Calories
  Chicken 51 49 37
  Chicken (White Meat) 24 76 49
  Duck 76 24 25
  Goose 65 35 30
  Turkey 45 55 40
  For Comparison:      
  Beef 50 50 34
  Salmon 54 46 31
  Potato 01 09 0
  Pinto Bean 04 24 0

* Note how similar the values of various meats—“a muscle is a muscle…”

Bugs in Your Birds

Bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi found in fowl cause illness and death in humans.  The most common pathogens found in commercially processed bird flesh are from their own bowel bacteria and these organisms are Campylobacter, E. coli, and salmonella. During the manufacturing processes used to bring chickens to market, “fecal soup” is created as thousands of dirty chickens are bathed together. In one study of retail markets in the Washington, D.C. area from June 1999 to July 2000, 70.7% of chicken samples were found to be contaminated with Campylobacter, and 91.1% of the stores visited sold Campylobacter-contaminated chickens. E. coli were found in 38.7% of chicken samples.2 Approximately 14% of the turkey samples yielded Campylobacter and 11.9% were positive for E. coli. Salmonella was found in 25% of both of these white meats.

Infections with any of these three bacteria can cause symptoms very similar to the flu, like nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, fever, chills, weakness and exhaustion; and can be deadly for children, the elderly, and people with suppressed immune systems.  Infections are caused by close contact with the carcasses of birds.  Eating the flesh of birds is as close as you can get to their germ-infested tissues.  Although cooking destroys most of these infectious agents, people eat, often unknowingly, partially cooked and raw meats.

Is Bird Flu a Real Threat?

During the 1997 epidemic of bird flu in Hong Kong eighteen people were infected by contact with birds, resulting in six fatalities. Since then the virus has been spreading from Southern China to other parts of the world by migratory birds and, less commonly, by bird trafficking. This year (2006) bird flu is expected to reach the US.  From December 2003 through March 6, 2006, a total of 175 laboratory-confirmed human avian influenza A (H5N1) infections were reported to WHO from Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Iraq, Thailand, Turkey, and Vietnam. Of these, 95 were fatal.3 Thus, more than half of the people who get bird flu die. There is no reliable vaccine for prevention, nor any effective treatment after infection occurs.

In addition to infecting wild birds and poultry, this virus has jumped the species barriers to infect cats, pigs, horses and other mammals.  Right now your best strategy is to avoid contact with potentially infected fowl. People travelling abroad are advised, “…not to visit bird or poultry farms and markets, to avoid close contact with live or dead poultry, not to eat raw or poorly cooked poultry and to wash hands often with soap and water.”4 This message means don’t handle (except for your own pets), cook or eat birds!

Whether an H5N1 influenza pandemic will occur depends on whether or not the present viral strains mutate so they can efficiently transfer from humans-to-humans. Influenza A viruses are known for their ease in transforming.  Although no human-to-human transmission was documented initially, sporadic cases of such transmission are expected to occur as the infection spreads worldwide.5  The biological behavior of this virus indicates that once a pandemic begins, isolation of sick people is not likely to contain the spread of disease. A specific vaccine against the bird flu will not be available until 6 to 12 months after the beginning of the pandemic.6 This message means once this disease begins to spread freely among people, you must isolate yourself from the outside world.

Antibiotic-laced Meat and Vegetables

Antibiotics are used in factory-farmed animals to help prevent bird-borne infections and to stimulate growth in order to enhance the profits of the poultry industry.  However, heavy use of these drugs hurts people by encouraging the development of antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria. When people become sick they find that the powerful drugs they need have been rendered ineffective.

These antibiotics contaminate plants, and are therefore consumed by even the strictest of vegetarians. Manure is used worldwide to grow crops—especially in organic and sustainable agriculture. The antibiotics, like tetracyclines, are incompletely absorbed by the animal’s gut and are then deposited with the animal’s feces onto the ground—to be absorbed and incorporated into the growing plants.7 These drugs present health risks for people who are allergic and become another source for antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

More Chemicals in Your Chickens

Poultry is high on the food chain.  Chemicals from the environment undergo bioconcentration when the chickens eat the grains—or worse yet when chickens are fed pellets containing remnants of dead cows and/or fish meal.  In these cases the biomagnification of dangerous chemicals raises levels many hundreds-fold from their original concentration in the plants.

The scenario may be:
Low concentrations of chemicals are present in the sea vegetables and in the water

fish consume these environmental poisons and concentrate them in their body fat
cows eat fish meal and concentrate these noxious wastes even more into their fat
then chickens eat dead cow remnants and the toxins become packed further into their flesh
Finally people get the strongest doses, as they are at the end of the food chain.
The greatest concentrations of tissue-damaging contaminates are delivered to babies nursing from pollutant-overloaded mothers.
Common Pollutants Found in Poultry8
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
Phthalic acid esters
Polychlorinated dibenzodioxins
Dibenzofurans (PCDDs and PCDFs),
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
Organic phosphates

Chicken flesh must be cooked in order to be edible for most humans. The process of cooking chicken flesh leads to the formation of powerful cancer-causing heterocyclic aromatic amines. Cooked poultry has some of the highest concentrations of these toxins found in foods commonly consumed.9

Have Some Compassion

Chickens and turkeys are crowded together in cages barely big enough to allow them to move. Commonly, they are mutilated by cutting off their beaks when they are young.  These helpless birds are overstuffed with food and drugs during processing.  And finally, their lives are cut short to become food for pets and people.

People (mostly immigrants) work in dangerous, bloody, greasy surroundings in order to bring fattened fowl to the dinner tables of fattened consumers.  AFL-CIO President John J. Sweeney said, “Meat and poultry workers who toil at breakneck speeds in the extremely dangerous and dirty work not only suffer high rates of injuries and deaths but risk losing their jobs when they get hurt, apply for workers’ compensation or attempt to improve their lives by trying to form a union.”10

By showing compassion for tortured animals and underprivileged people working in despicable conditions you will improve the health and well-being of yourself, your family and friends.  Everything benefits from enlightened decisions at the dinner table.


1) Pennington J.  Food Values of Portions Commonly Used—17th edition.  Lippincott.

2)  Zhao CGe BDe Villena JSudler RYeh EZhao SWhite DGWagner DMeng J.  Prevalence of Campylobacter spp., Escherichia coli, and Salmonella serovars in retail chicken, turkey, pork, and beef from the Greater Washington, D.C., area. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2001 Dec;67(12):5431-6.

3)  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Update: influenza activity–United States, February 26-March 4, 2006.  MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2006 Mar 17;55(10):284-6.

4)  Day M.  People travelling abroad issued advice on bird flu. BMJ. 2006 Mar 11;332(7541):570.

5) Ungchusak K, Auewarakul P, Dowell SF, et al. Probable person-to-person transmission of avian influenza A (H5N1). N Engl J Med 2005; 352:333–40.

6)  Wu TZHuang LM. Avian influenza. Chang Gung Med J. 2005 Nov;28(11):753-7.

7)  Kumar KGupta SCBaidoo SKChander YRosen CJ.  Antibiotic uptake by plants from soil fertilized with animal manure.  J Environ Qual. 2005 Oct 12;34(6):2082-5.

8) Huwe JKLarsen GL  Polychlorinated dioxins, furans, and biphenyls, and polybrominated diphenyl ethers in a U.S. meat market basket and estimates of dietary intake. Environ Sci Technol. 2005 Aug 1;39(15):5606-11.

9) Knize MGSalmon CPMehta SSFelton JS.  Analysis of cooked muscle meats for heterocyclic aromatic amine carcinogens. Mutat Res. 1997 May 12;376(1-2):129-34.

10)  Working Conditions in Food Factories:

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Dan Tien Tu Na Meditation with Master Mala Daggett continues until further notice

All are welcomed!

Master Mala Daggett is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom.

10a.m. CDT, USA

Turn on Your Qi Flow or download app free

Meeting ID:
665 446 9064

Password: 919897

Master Mala Daggett, Quantum Qi Power, Inc., wishes to support as many as possible during this challenge.

Blue Zones Project Bulletin – 4-23-20

In the rapidly changing and often confusing time of COVID-19, Sharecare and Blue Zones Project have had the opportunity to witness how individuals, organizations and communities are working together to help address the fallout of this virus. One of the most dynamic and active organizations that we have observed is the Pisgah Health Foundation (PHF), a public 501 (c)(3) charity that was founded in 2019 by a board of seven individuals. Their focus wa, and remains on improving the health, wellness, and lives of Western North Carolina residents by targeting underlying social determinants related to health, food insecurity, housing, social cohesion, and education. The organization evolved from the Transylvania Regional Hospital Foundation and serves five counties in Western North Carolina.

Long before COVID-19, Lex Green, President of PHF, introduced the concept of Blue Zones Project to his board in the spring of 2019. He was convinced that Blue Zones Project and its parent organization, Sharecare, Inc. were perfect collaborators to help accomplish PHF’s mission to target social determinants. In August 2019, following months of due diligence by PHF and Sharecare, Brevard, North Carolina was identified as the 50th Blue Zone Project community in North America and the first in the Carolinas. Significantly, the Pisgah Health Foundation board members understood and valued the significance of Blue Zones Project and ways to provide evidence-based, metric-driven processes to help citizens make healthier choices through the built environment, food and nutrition options, and where individuals work, play, and live.

At about the same time the local Blue Zones Project team was literally ordering furniture for its new office in downtown Brevard, the first hints of a new virus in China were circulating. Fast forward to mid-March 2020 and the entire world was held captive by COVID-19 with mandatory shelter-in-place orders to “flatten the curve” to lessen the strain on hospitals and emergency service providers. Like other communities around the world, non-essential workers in Brevard and across North Carolina were told not to come back to work. Businesses shuttered, schools closed, and even recreation areas were closed.

In this time of crisis (health and economic), Sharecare and Blue Zones Project want to highlight the Pisgah Health Foundation leadership and board members for the many decisive actions they have taken to support not only Brevard, but other communities within their footprint.

  • Created a Physicians Round Table consisting of over 45 practicing and retired physicians who meet twice a week by Zoom to discuss specific ways that Pisgah Health Foundation can leverage its resources regarding COVID-19.
  • Led by Dr. Rik Emaus, a retired physician and Blue Zones Project steering committee member, a team of doctors is working with the Transylvania County Health Department, the Brevard Rotary Club and others to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19 at the senior centers by providing needed Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and other resources to help keep this vulnerable population healthy and out of the hospital.
  • Created a COVID-19 Rapid Response grant fund to assist non-profits needing financial funds to maintain or increase their capacity to support local social service needs. Within the past three weeks, the Board has awarded one million dollars in grant assistance. Of this amount, the Foundation has already deployed $322,500 to assist local non-profits focused on COVID-19 activities. Reducing food insecurity for those in need as well as working with the County and other non-profits to find safe locations to house homeless individuals who are either infected by COVID-19 or are symptomatic are two examples.
  • Worked with local business owners and manufacturers to either source or manufacture items such as face shields and hand sanitizer that can be used by local physicians, senior centers and others interacting with the public.

Michael Acker, SVP Blue Zones Project, reflects, “The Blue Zones Project framework is a proven model for organizing decisive and efficient community engagement. We are encouraged to see this type of innovation and collaboration, which will ultimately create more resilient communities across North America.”

by: Dr. Allen Weiss, Chief Medical Officer – Blue Zones Project and Mark Burrows, Sr. Community Program Manager – Blue Zones Project Brevard

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The Purpose Of Food by Brooke Goldner, M.D.

From a wellness consultation with a client about how to overcome her addictive and emotional eating and focus on what food is really supposed to be for – nourishing our cells.

While the original purpose of food is nourishment, humans have hijacked our dopamine pathways with drug-like foods that get us high.

That is why it can feel so miserable to change over to healthy eating – you no longer can get high on food.

So what do you do?

The key to successfully converting from someone who eats to get high to someone who eats to heal, is finding other ways to get high that support your health.

Get high from FUN and FRIENDS (even if you have to connect online) rather than medicating your feelings with junky “foods” that make you sick.

That habit will not only heal your body, but create happiness that lasts.

Need your own wellness consultation? Go to…