What I Wish I Learned In Medical School About Nutrition | Michael Klaper, MD | The Real Truth About Health

What I Wish I Learned In Medical School About Nutrition – Michael Klaper, MD

Michael Klaper, MD


• Book – Vegan Nutrition : Pure and Simple

00:00:29 Western Medicine Disempowers Both Patients And Doctors

00:10:04 High Salt Diets Open the Door To Auto-Immune Diseases

00:20:51 A Meat Based Diet Generate TMAO In the Blood, Leads To Higher Death Rates

00:27:41 Disruptive, Toxic Molecules Flushes Through Tissues

00:38:27 Does Whole Food Plant Based Diet Help To Reverse Diseases? 00:44:58 With Type 2 Diabetes, The Problem Isn’t The Sugar, It’s The Fats 00:51:18 The Higher Your Cholesterol, How Healthy Are Your Arteries? 01:06:10 What Are The Barriers To Adopting A Whole Food Plant Based Diet? 01:19:00 How Much Protein Do We Need?

01:27:01 Omega 3 Index Is What’s Happening In My Brain Tissue?

01:38:09 One Should Eat Vegetables Everyday

#MichaelKlaper #Diet #Nutrition #DoctorKlaper

Dr. Michael Klaper is a gifted clinician, internationally-recognized teacher, and sought-after speaker on diet and health.

Dr. Michael Klaper resolutely believes that proper nutrition — through a whole food, plant-based diet — and a balanced lifestyle are essential for health and, in many cases, can make the difference between healing an illness or merely treating its symptoms.

In addition to his clinical practice and private consultations with patients, he is a passionate and devoted educator of physicians and other healthcare professionals about the importance of nutrition in clinical practice and integrative medicine.

Dr. Klaper is the author of Vegan Nutrition; Pure & Simple (no longer in print) and has produced numerous health videos, webinars, and dozens of articles for both scientific journals and the popular press. As a source of inspiration advocating plant-based diets and the end of animal cruelty worldwide.

Dr. Klaper contributed to the making of two PBS television programs, Food for Thought and the award-winning movie, Diet for a New America (based on the book of the same name).

Dr. Klaper teaches that “Health Comes From Healthy Living” and he is dedicated to the healing and flourishing of all living beings and our planet. “Health is having a body that moves without pain, breathes without distress and allows us to perform the activities of life with complete presence and focused energy. Then, we can love fully and enjoy our lives to the fullest.”

Dr. Michael Klaper graduated from the University of Illinois College of Medicine. He served a medical internship at Vancouver General Hospital in British Columbia, Canada and received training in surgery, anesthesiology and orthopedics at the University of British Columbia Hospital in Vancouver. Additionally, he was trained in obstetrics at the University of California Hospital, San Francisco. As his medical career progressed, Dr. Klaper began to realize (true to what science is bearing out today) that many of the diseases his patients presented – clogged arteries (atherosclerosis), high blood pressure (hypertension), obesity, adult-onset diabetes and even some forms of arthritis, asthma, and other significant illnesses – were made worse or actually caused by the high sugar, high fat, high salt, overly processed, animal product-based, Standard American Diet (S.A.D.).

Dr. Klaper has served as Director of the Institute of Nutrition Education and Research , where he conducted a study that focused on people who ate a completely plant-based or vegan diet. Dr. Klaper practiced acute care medicine in New Zealand for three years and from served on staff at the TrueNorth Health Center, North America’s premier nutritionally-based medical clinic that specializes in therapeutic fasting and health improvement through a whole food, plant-based diet. A member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, Dr. Klaper was a member of the American Medical Student Association’s Nutrition Task Force and currently serves on the Advisory Board for the Plantrician Project and the “International Journal of Disease Reversal and Prevention.” For over 10 years, Dr. Klaper hosted a popular medical information radio program “Sounds of Healing” on WPFW in Washington, DC and KAOI on Maui, Hawaii. Dr. Michael Klaper is licensed to practice medicine in California and Hawaii.

To Contact Dr Michael Klaper go to doctorklaper.com

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Being Overweight Can In Itself Actually Mean That We Have A Higher Hormone Exposure | Dr Gemma Newman | The Real Truth About Health

Being Overweight Can In Itself Actually Mean That We Have A Higher Hormone Exposure

Dr Gemma Newman


• Book – The Plant Power Doctor

#GemmaNewman #PlantBased #WholeFood

Dr Gemma Newman is a medical doctor and accomplished author of the Book The Plant Power Doctor. A simpler prescription for a healthier you. You can eat your way to a brighter future Just imagine if what you put on your plate could radically improve your health right now AND make you healthier in the future too… In this book, British family doctor Gemma Newman explores how a simple change in diet helps many common chronic illnesses – from diabetes and heart disease to obesity – and the science that explains why it works.

Enjoy over 60 delicious meal ideas to kick-start your plant-powered eating, along with simple shopping lists and meal plans. This book contains everything you need to futureproof your body and mind. Dr Newman has worked in medicine for over 15 years and is the Senior Partner at a family medical practice for over a decade. She studied at the University of Wales College of Medicine and has worked in many specialties as a doctor including elderly care, endocrinology, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, psychiatry, general surgery, urology, vascular surgery, rehabilitation medicine and General Practice. She gained additional qualifications in gynecology and family planning. She is a founding member and ambassador for Plant Based Health Professionals – UK and a member of British Society of Lifestyle medicine.

Dr Newman has a specialist interest in holistic health, plant-based nutrition, and lifestyle medicine. In her practice she has come to understand that body, mind and soul are not separate, and that it is only in addressing the root causes of stress and disconnection that we can truly heal, from the inside out. Dr Newman is regularly invited to teach other doctors and the general public via training programmes, podcasts and conferences about the benefits of plant-based nutrition.

To Contact Dr Newman go to GemmaNewman.com

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Most Doctors And Researchers Are Trapped In A System That Promotes The Status Quo | Dr Jonathan Stegall MD | The Real Truth About Health

Most Doctors And Researchers Are Trapped In A System That Promotes The Status Quo Dr Jonathan Stegall MD


• Book – Cancer Secrets #JonathanStegall #Cancer #IntegrativeOncology

Dr Jonathan Stegall MD is a medical Integrative Oncology doctor and a bestselling author of Cancer Secrets and host of an award-winning podcast, The Cancer Secrets Podcast.

His book Cancer Secrets is a much-needed resource for cancer patients and their families, with vital information on evidenced-based treatments from both modern medicine and alternative medicine.

This book is about Cancer being the second leading cause of death in the United States, and will soon overtake heart disease as the #1 killer. This year alone in the United States, there will be 1.7 million new cancer cases, and over 600,000 cancer deaths. The lifetime risk of developing cancer is now 1 in 3 people, and is quickly approaching 1 in 2. Despite billions of dollars devoted to cancer research, we are no closer to a cure. Sadly, we are losing the war on cancer. Patients diagnosed with cancer, as well as their family and friends, are left with a difficult decision: do I follow the standard of care, consisting of chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery, or do I seek alternative treatments on my own? Do I listen to my doctor, or do I follow advice from the internet? Who do I listen to? Who can I trust? Until now, cancer patients and their families did not have a reliable resource for optimally treating cancer. In this breakthrough book, Cancer Secrets, you will learn critical information about what cancer is (and is not) and how to best treat it using the best that both modern medicine and alternative medicine have to offer.

Integrative oncologist, Jonathan Stegall, MD, provides a long-awaited and much-needed remedy for our cancer problem. Dr. Stegall has a successful integrative oncology practice in Atlanta, GA, and has seen first hand what works and what doesn’t when it comes to cancer treatment. This book is a “must have” if you or a loved one is fighting cancer!

Dr. Stegall believes that there are many potentially valuable therapies which are not (yet) part of the conventional standard of care. All of these therapies have a scientific study suggesting their mechanism of action and potential therapeutic benefit. These therapies include, but are not limited to, local hyperthermia, sono-photodynamic therapy, lymphatic drainage therapy, nutrition, supplementation, and stress reduction therapy. These therapies, which are all considered natural approaches, make sense to incorporate as well. He earned his bachelor’s degree at Clemson University and master’s degree in physiology from Georgetown University. He earned his medical degree at the University of South Carolina. After medical school he did his internal medicine residency through the Yale University School of Medicine, with clinical training at Greenwich Hospital in Greenwich, Conn., as well a Yale New Haven Hospital in New Haven, Conn. Then completed his fellowship in Integrative Oncology through the Metabolic Medical Institute, affiliated with the University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine. He holds membership in several organizations, including the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), the Society for Integrative Oncology (SIO), and the International Organization of Integrative Cancer Physicians (IOICP).

The Center for Advanced Medicine is transforming how cancer is treated. I am very proud of the transformative work we do, and the powerful difference we make in the lives of our patients. I run my practice in a way that is consistent with my Christian faith, based on love. My team and I love what we do, and we love the patients we treat. He is married and has two sons and a daughter.

To Contact Dr Jonathan Stegall, M.D. go to cancersecrets.com

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Do Alkaline Diets Help Athletic Performance? Michael Greger M.D. FACLM | NutritionFacts.org

Can reducing acid-forming foods and boosting alkaline-forming foods replicate the performance-enhancing effects of sodium bicarbonate without the adverse effects?

Source: Do Alkaline Diets Help Athletic Performance?


For more on athletes, see my video Why All Athletes Should Eat Plant-Based Diets.

In my first series on athletes, I took us way back in history. Check out:

How do you know if your diet is alkaline? Check out Testing Your Diet with Pee and Purple Cabbage.

If you haven’t yet, you can subscribe to my videos for free by clicking here. Read our important information about translations here.

Many Chemicals Are Very Long Lived In The Environment And In Our Bodies | Joanna Malaczynski-Moore | The Real Truth About Health

Many Chemicals Are Very Long Lived In The Environment And In Our Bodies Joanna Malaczynski-Moore

http://www. JoannaMoore.com

• Book – Silent Winter

#JoannaMalaczynskiMoore #ToxicChemicals #SustainableWorld

Joanna Malaczynski-Moore is sustainability entrepreneur, consultant, advocate, attorney and acclaimed author to the book Silent Winter and upcoming book Another Way: Navigating toward positive change Silent Winter Our Chemical World and Chronic Illness is about the silent spread of toxic chemicals in our daily lives and their role in the growing prevalence of illnesses such as cancer, chronic fatigue, diabetes, asthma digestive issues, depression, dementia, and others. The scientific evidence about chronic illness and toxic chemicals is withheld from us through stunningly elaborate efforts so that business can continue as usual. Another Way: Navigating toward positive change is currently available as an online course based on the forth coming book. It is How To guide toward anyone going through a life transition or trying to change our world. Joanna has intimate familiarity with the world creating positive changes towards achieving sustainability.

Her message is that whether the world moves toward sustainability has little to do with how much experience, technology or money we throw at the problem. But rather has everything to do with our own psychology. How we personally navigate and approach the world will have everything to do with whether we end up thriving or end up disappointing ourselves, the world, and each other. Joanna Malaczynski Moore through her writing is dedicated to helping others catalyze positive change and create a more sustainable world. To Contact Joanna Malaczynski-Moore Go to JoannaMoore.com CLICK HERE – To Checkout Our MEMBERSHIP CLUB: http://www.therealtruthabouthealth.com

Industries that Confine and Kill | Dr. Will Tuttle | 11-28-22 – 12-4-22

[Check back daily for additional messages for this week and find previous posts with Will’s VegInspirations by searching for Tuttle]

The Vigor for Higher Thinking! – 11-28-22

Geniuses like Pythagoras, Leonardo da Vinci, and Mahatma Gandhi abstained from eating animals. Plutarch wrote, “When we clog and cloy our body with flesh, we also render our mind and intellect coarse. When the body’s clogged with unnatural food, the mind becomes confused and dull and loses its cheerfulness. Such minds engage in trivial pursuits, because they lack the clearness and vigor for higher thinking.”

The Domination of the Feminine – 11-29-22

The animal food culture promotes domination and exploitation of the female and the feminine, which are full of life-giving and nurturing powers, and of infants and children, who are full of the powers of innocence and growth.

Ironies of nutritional deficiencies – 11-30-22

It’s ironic that the burden of justifying possible nutritional deficiencies rests on vegans (“where do you get your protein/vitamin B-12/etc.?”), because research shows that vegans typically have twice the fruit and vegetable intake of people eating the standard American diet.

In recent studies, vegans had higher intakes of sixteen out of the nineteen nutrients studied, including three times more vitamin C, vitamin E, and fiber, twice the folate, magnesium, copper, and manganese, and more calcium and plenty of protein.

Vegans also had half the saturated fat intake, one-sixth the rate of being overweight, and, while vegans were shown to be at risk for deficiencies in three nutrients (calcium, iodine, and vitamin B-12), people eating the standard American diet were at risk for deficiencies in seven nutrients (calcium, iodine, vitamin C, vitamin E, fiber, folate, and magnesium).

Buying Organically Grown – 12-1-22

Buying organically grown produce, grains, beans, and nuts is important not just because they’re higher in vitamins and minerals, but also because the toxic runoff from conventional agriculture poisons streams and people, and kills birds, fish, insects, and wildlife.

The amount of toxins used to produce a head of lettuce or bowl of rice is still, however, far less than that used to produce a hot dog, cheese omelet, or piece of catfish because animal foods require enormous quantities of pesticide-laden feed grain to produce.

All Interconnected – 12-2-22

The suffering that food animals undergo, the suffering of those who eat them and profit by them, the suffering of starving people who could be fed with the grain that feeds these animals, and the suffering we thoughtlessly impose on the ecosystem, other creatures, and future generations are all interconnected. It is this interconnectedness of suffering, and its reverse, of love, caring, and awareness, that calls out for our understanding.

Diet of Hidden Terror – 12-3-22

Achieving positive cultural transformation means living the truth of love and authentically comprehending our interconnectedness, and not merely talking about it. It means changing our thinking and our behavior—how we view animals and what we eat. As we recognize our shadow and become free of it, compassion returns and we naturally stop feeding it with our diet of hidden terror.

Industries that Confine and Kill – 12-4-22

All four of the possible paths that a calf born on a dairy may take are paths of abuse and early death. Since cows in the wild easily live twenty to thirty years, the industry, in killing calves, steers, and dairy cows at the ages of several months to several years, is really killing infants and children.

In this it is the same as the industries that confine and kill lambs, pigs, chickens, turkeys, and fish: all are pushed to grow abnormally quickly and are slaughtered young. Similarly, in the wars we inflict upon each other, children suffer and die the most, and more than ever they are even forced to do the killing.

Our Websites:
Our main website and daily VegInspiration

Our online self-paced World Peace Diet Training

Our Worldwide Prayer Circle for Animals

Our World Peace Diet Facebook Group

Our Prayer Circle for Animals Facebook Group

Original Visionary Paintings & Art by Madeleine Tuttle

There are strong voices in all religious traditions emphasizing that our kindness to other beings should be based on compassion. This is more than merely being open to the suffering of others; it also explicitly includes the urge to act to relieve their suffering. We are thus responsible not just to refrain from harming animals and humans, but also to do what we can to stop others from harming them, and to create conditions that educate, inspire, and help others to live in ways that show kindness and respect for all life. This is the high purpose to which the core teachings of the world’s wisdom traditions call us. It is an evolutionary imperative, a spiritual imperative, an imperative of compassion, and, in reality, a vegan imperative.

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80% Of All Cardiovascular Disease Is Preventable By A Change In Lifestyle | Kim Williams, MD, T. Colin Campbell, PhD, Caldwell B. Esselstyn Jr. MD, Heather Shenkman, MD | The Real Truth About Health

80% Of All Cardiovascular Disease Is Preventable By A Change In Lifestyle

Kim Williams, MD

•Book Foreword – Healthy at Last

T. Colin Campbell, PhD


• Book – China Study

Caldwell B. Esselstyn Jr. MD


• Book – Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease

Dr. Heather Shenkman

http://www. drheathershenkman.com

• Book – The Vegan Heart Doctor’s Guide

#PlantBased #Doctors #HeartDisease #Cancer

Dr Kim Williams Sr. is an American cardiologist, professor and author. He has been vegan since 2003; His enthusiasm for plant-based diets is based on his interpretation of medical literature and his own experience lowering his own cholesterol by removing dairy and animal protein. He has board certifications in internal medicine, cardiovascular diseases, nuclear medicine, nuclear cardiology, and cardiovascular computed tomography. He has served on the faculty of the Pritzker School of Medicine, the Wayne State University School of Medicine in Detroit, Michigan, and at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, where he is the head of the cardiology department. To Contact Dr Williams go to doctors.rush.edu/details/1728/kim-williams-sr-cardiovascular_disease-chicago-oak_park

Dr. T. Colin Campbell, PhD has been dedicated to the science of human health for more than 60 years. His primary focus is on the association between diet and disease, particularly cancer. Although largely known for the China Study — one of the most comprehensive studies of health and nutrition ever conducted and recognized by The New York Times as the “Grand Prix of epidemiology” — Dr. Campbell’s profound impact also includes extensive involvement in education, public policy, and laboratory research. He has delivered hundreds of lectures around the world, and he is the founder of the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies and the online Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate in partnership with eCornell. To Contact Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D. go to nutritionstudies.org

Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr. is a world-renowned surgeon and the acclaimed author of the game-changing book, Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease: The Revolutionary, Scientifically Proven, Nutrition-Based Cure.This Book outlines a groundbreaking program backed by the irrefutable results from Dr. Esselstyn’s 20-year study proving changes in diet and nutrition can cure heart disease. He’s been featured on many television programs and in very popular documentaries on health and nutrition. Dr. Esselstyn and his wife, Ann Crile Esselstyn, have followed a plant-based diet since 1984. Dr. Esselstyn presently directs the cardiovascular prevention and reversal program at The Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute. To Contact Dr. Esselstyn Jr go to DrEsselstyn.com

Dr. Heather Shenkman is an author of her book The Vegan Heart Doctor’s Guide to reversing heart disease, losing weight, and reclaiming your life. If you suffer from heart disease, you are all too familiar with the standard treatment plan of pills, doctor s appointments, and tests. But interventional cardiologist Heather Shenkman, MD, says what happens inside medical offices and hospitals is only a tiny part of what it really takes to heal heart disease. Most conventional doctors barely mention lifestyle. And yet, what you eat and how much you move are central to attaining optimal health. Shenkman says a plant-based diet, plenty of exercise, and a whole-hearted approach to living make up the best prescription of all. And in The Vegan Heart Doctor s Guide to Reversing Heart Disease, Losing Weight, and Reclaiming Your Life, she lays out a simple, manageable protocol for transitioning to a vegan diet and safely leaving your former, sedentary self in the dust. Dr Shenkman is an interventional cardiologist in practice in Tarzana, California. To Contact Dr Heather Shenkman drheathershenkman.com

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The Real Reason That Medical Schools Don’t Teach Nutrition | Glen Merzer | The Real Truth About Health

The Real Reason That Medical Schools Don’t Teach Nutrition



• Book – Food Is Climate

#GlenMerzer #ClimateEmergency #ClimateChange

Glen Merzer is a playwright, screenwriter, and author of the book Food is Climate. Food Is Climate: A Response to Al Gore, Bill Gates, Paul Hawken, and the Conventional Narrative on Climate Change.

The Climate Emergency threatens civilization. All life forms on the planet depend now on humanity to undo the harm it has done. Unfortunately, those who have been leading the charge to address climate change, such as Al Gore, have not been telling us the whole truth. They have continued to ignore its leading cause. Food Is Climate gives us hope that the crisis can be addressed–in a way that will improve human health–but only if there’s a grassroots movement to do the right thing, because clearly politicians and even environmental organizations have refused to lead.

Glen began his career as a stand-up comic in San Francisco before devoting himself to playwriting. He wrote for network television for many years before going into a career writing books that advocate the plant-exclusive diet. Glen’s first novel, Off the Reservation, chronicles the journey of a vegan congressman from Bloomington, Indiana, who runs for president. Off the Reservation contains twenty bonus, delicious, low-fat vegan recipes by Joanna Samorow-Merzer. Three of Glen’s plays have been published by Samuel French. His prize-winning works have entertained audiences Off-Broadway, at Regional Theatres, and at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. Glen co-author books include, Mad Cowboy No More Bull! The Secrets to Ultimate Weight Loss Unprocessed Food Over Medicine Better Than Vegan The Plant Advantage by Benji Kurtz. The Secrets to Ultimate Weight Loss The Happy Cow Cookbook Own Your Health To Contact Glen Merzer go to Glen Merzer https://www.glenmerzer.com

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3 Steps That We Need To Take In Order To Reverse Diabetes | Dr. Steve Blake | The Real Truth About Health

3 Steps That We Need To Take In Order To Reverse Diabetes

Dr. Steve Blake


• Book – Nutrients for Memory

#SteveBlake #AlternativeMedicine #AlzheimersDisease

Dr. Steve Blake, ScD is a doctor of science specializing in nutritional biochemistry. He is Director of Nutritional Neuroscience at the Maui Memory Clinic. He is lead advisor and author for the Macmillan Reference, Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine. He has worked as Faculty Nutritional Biochemist at Hawaii Pacific Neuroscience for years. He is a research scientist who just finished a clinical study at the Hawaii Alzheimer’s Disease Center that he designed and ran with a large team. He is research director at the Neuroscience Nutrition Foundation. He has presented grand rounds at John A. Burns School of Medicine at U.H., Castle Medical Center in Kailua, Hawaii, Hawaii Pacific Neuroscience, St. Francis Liliha, Honolulu, and at Boston University Medical Center. He is author of Nutrients for Memory, Fats and Oils Demystified, the McGraw-Hill college textbook Vitamins and Minerals Demystified, Stop Strokes Before they Start, Autism: A Spectrum of Improvement, Mastering Migraines: Prevention and Relief, Arthritis Relief, Parkinson’s Disease: Dietary Regulation of Dopamine, Healing Medicine, A Nutritional Approach to Alzheimer’s Disease, No More Heart Attacks, Mosby’s Alternative Remedies, and co-author of Mosby’s Drug Guide for Nurses, 4th edition.

Steve Blake has taught twenty-five classes at the University of Hawaii on Maui. He has taught classes at Stanford University, McLean’s Harvard Teaching Hospital, and at Boston University Medical Center. As a professional, registered medical plant specialist, he is well known for his databases on alternative remedies. The Herb Doctors database has information from 54 countries and regions worldwide and has over 168,000 footnoted facts. This database was also published by Mosby as Alternative Remedies. Steve Blake programmed the Diet Doctor, software for graphing dietary nutrients. This cutting-edge research software has been instrumental in revealing nutrition information. Steve Blake lectures widely about the role of nutrition in health. He has taught anatomy & physiology and exercise physiology. He was the director of the Maui Holistic Health Center for seven years. He is often heard on radio and seen on television. He attended the University of California at Berkeley. Steve Blake has a doctorate in holistic health specializing in nutritional biochemistry. He also has a doctorate in naturopathic medicine and is a neuromuscular therapist. He and his wife Catherine live on an organic farm on Maui that is powered by the sun.

To Contact Dr Steve Blake go to drsteveblake.com

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