Dr. Judy Mikovits and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: A New COVID Vaccine Could Kill 50 Million People in the U.S.

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Dr. Judy Mikovits have both been recent guests on LondonReal.tv, and interviewed by Brian Rose. LondonReal.tv recently had to develop their own video platform to beat the Facebook and Google YouTube censorship, as Brian Rose frequently interviews doctors and scientists the corporate media and Big Tech desperately want to censor.

We have featured the work of both women frequently here on Health Impact News.

Judy A. Mikovits, PhD, earned her BA from University of Virginia and PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from George Washington University. In just over twenty years she rose from an entry-level lab technician to become director of the lab of Antiviral Drug Mechanisms at the National Cancer Institute before leaving to direct the Cancer Biology program at EpiGenX Pharmaceuticals in Santa Barbara, California.

She has published over 50 scientific papers.

Dr. Mikovits spoke the truth about the fraudulent use of government research money, the marketing of inaccurate retrovirus tests, Medicare fraud, the contaminated blood supply, and the harm that is associated with vaccines and their schedule of administration.

Her research showed how retroviruses are linked to the plague of modern illnesses that are bankrupting the U.S. healthcare system.

She was arrested without a warrant and held in jail for 5 days without the opportunity for bail as a fugitive from justice. Her career was destroyed.

Her story is documented in the book Plague: ​One Scientist’s intrepid Search For the Truth about Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Autism, and Other Diseases.

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is an osteopathic medical doctor, board-certified in three specialties. She is the founder of Tenpenny Integrative Medical Center, a medical clinic located near Cleveland, Ohio. Her company, Courses4Mastery.com provides online education and training regarding all aspects of vaccines and vaccination.

Dr. Tenpenny has invested nearly 20 years and more than 40,000 hours documenting and exposing the problems associated with vaccines. As an internationally known speaker and author, her many articles have been translated into at least 15 languages.

She offers online education on the topic of vaccines, and her yearly Mastering VaccineInfo Boot Camp is probably the most comprehensive training in the truth about vaccines found anywhere.

Dr. Mikovits was the first one interviewed, and during the course of that interview, Brian Rose asked her about the COVID-19 vaccine that is being fast-tracked, with some pharmaceutical companies saying they will have a vaccine by this fall.

Dr. Mikovits discusses the absurdity of giving a COVID-19 vaccine to healthy people who would already most likely have natural immunity. She states:

So now you’re going to inject an agent, into every cell in the body. I just can’t even imagine a recipe for anything other than what I would consider mass murder on a scale where 50 million people will die in America from the vaccine.

Watch her full statement.

Dr. Mikovits is part of a new film being produced called “Plandemic,” and a trailer featuring her testimony has gone viral in recent weeks in spite of efforts to censor it, with some estimates guessing that it may have been viewed by well over 20 million people already.

She states that the man who directed the smear campaign to try and silence her was Dr. Anthony Fauci, currently on President Trump’s Coronavirus Task Force.

Dr. Mikovits claims other heads of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) colluded to silence her and suppress her research.

Willis: Apparently their attempts to silence you have failed. And I have to ask, how do you sit here with confidence to call out these great forces and not fear for your life?

Dr. Mikovits: Because if we don’t stop this now, we can not only forget our Republic and our freedom, but we can forget humanity, because we’ll be killed by this agenda.

Watch the trailer of what is currently probably the most banned video in the world right now:

About a week after Brian Rose interviewed Dr. Mikovits, he did a show with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny.

He mentioned Dr. Mikovits’ prediction that if we went full steam ahead with this new COVID vaccine that 50 million people would die, and asked Dr. Tenpenny if she agreed.

Not only did Dr. Tenpenny say she agreed with Dr. Mikovits’ prediction of deaths in the U.S. from a COVID vaccine, but she stated that there would also be many who are injured by the vaccine who might wish they were dead:

“There are some things worse than death.”

Watch her full response:

Here is her full interview with Brian Rose on LondonReal.tv.

Comment on this article at VaccineImpact.com.

Source: Dr. Judy Mikovits and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: A New COVID Vaccine Could K

This Common Disease Increases Coronavirus Risk (& How to Combat It) – Dr William Li

By now, most of us are familiar with the most dominant characteristics of the Coronavirus. It is much more contagious than the common flu virus, symptoms may vary from severe difficulty breathing, blood clots, and gastrointestinal distress to temporary loss of smell or no clinical symptoms at all. And it is most threatening to individuals over 60, people with certain pre-existing conditions, and individuals with compromised immune systems.

If you have cancer, you likely fall under the immunocompromised category and should be dedicating extra attention to the preventative measures you are taking to protect your immune system – especially as the country begins to reopen. Immunocompromised, sometimes also referred to as immunosuppressed, is a wide-ranging label that includes anyone who has a weakened immune system. Your immunity is made up of an arsenal of cells that are strategically placed throughout the body to identify, warn of, and destroy invaders and other harmful substances. If these cells do not function properly, damaging organisms such as parasites, harmful bacteria, and viruses may start to develop within the body.

Coronavirus risk may increase because of the cancer itself, as a result of the side effects of cancer treatments and procedures, because of low white blood cell count, or as an outcome of poor nutrition.

Cancer & Coronavirus

The fact that someone has cancer, alone, may negatively impact their ability to fight infections like COVID-19. Certain types of cancer like lymphomas, some leukemias, and multiple myeloma begin within immune cells. As a result, cells that once served to protect the body are altered to work improperly. Cancerous cells may also infect the bone marrow, where blood cells are produced, and cause blood cell production to decline. If this happens, fewer white blood cells (pathogen-fighting immune cells) are deployed to neutralize infection.

Side Effects of Cancer Treatments

The reason why cancer may decrease someone’s ability to ward off or heal from the Coronavirus is not only due to the disease itself. Your skin and various mucous membranes are your body’s first line of defense. They provide a physical barrier against the dangers of the outside world. Individuals with cancer are often prescribed anti-cancer pharmaceuticals and radiation therapy among other medicaments. They are also often required to undergo procedures such as surgeries, installation of catheters, receiving shots, etc. These treatments and procedures may injure skin cells or cause damage to mucous membranes, making it easier for pathogens to enter the body. Certain anti-cancer treatments may also result in nausea, which I will touch on shortly.

White Blood Cell Count

Anti-cancer treatments like radiation, chemotherapy, steroid use, stem cell transplants, bone marrow transplants, and more can reduce the number of white blood cells like neutrophils in the body. Cancer itself is also capable of reducing your white blood cell count and certain cancer treatments can also suppress the efficiency of white blood cells. It is much easier to catch an infection like COVID-19 when you do not have enough white blood cells available. In fact, one way to determine how at-risk you are of developing an infection is for a doctor to examine the number of neutrophils that you have available.


In order for any cell to carry out its function, it must have the proper fuel. Lack of essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, protein, and general calories can weaken your immune system. Individuals with cancer often require more calories in order to adequately support their immune system and fight off infections like the Coronavirus. People diagnosed with cancer may require extra nutrients because the cancer itself may make it difficult for them to eat, treatments may result in nausea, or the cancer cells may use up vital nutrients that should be designated for other cells.

If you have been diagnosed with cancer, I recommend speaking with your doctor to see if adding dietary supplements or intravenous nutrition might be beneficial for you as you continue building your immunity against COVID-19. Beyond simply making sure you are eating enough calories, nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, there are certain immune-boosting foods that I recommend adding to your diet. White button mushrooms, broccoli (florets, stems, and sprouts), extra virgin olive oil, chestnuts, blackberries, aged garlic, Chile peppers, and pomegranate juice are just a few foods that contain powerful immune-enhancing properties.


It is important to note that not everyone who was treated for cancer in the past is a high risk for catching the Coronavirus today. If you had cancer a number of years ago, it is likely that your immune system has mostly recovered by now. With that said, if you fall into the COVID-19 high-risk category because you do currently have cancer or did recently, it is best to take some necessary precautions such as staying home when possible, regularly washing your hands, cleaning and disinfecting regularly-touched surfaces, and increasing your intake of the immune-boosting foods that I mentioned previously.

I outline many more immune-enhancing foods in my book Eat to Beat Disease, so check that out for more details.

Source: This Common Disease Increases Coronavirus Risk (& How to Combat It) – Dr William Li


Today I demonstrate the BEST coleslaw I ever ate, and I don’t even like coleslaw!!! And by making the “mayo” out of cauliflower, you can sneak in even more nutrient dense, calorie dilute veggies!


10 ounces of Angel hair cabbage

10 ounces of shredded carrots

8 ounces of shredded purple cabbage

1 cup chopped scallions (the green part)

1 cup Golden raisins


24 ounces steamed cauliflower

1/2 cup California Balsamic Island Pineapple Balsamic Vinegar

Blend in a high powered blender until smooth. Pour over slaw and mix well. Chill well before serving.

You can get the California Balsamic Island Pineapple here: https://californiabalsamic.com/balsamic/

If you put CHEF AJ in the “leave us a message box” after you place your order you can choose 2 free samples in any flavor. (My favorites are Curry and Sweet Heat.)

This is the mandoline I used: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YCB5RNG/…

If you have a question you would like answered please contact us here: https://chefajwebsite.com/contact-us…..

I also do a live Q & A once a month. If you subscribe to me on YouTube and click the notification bell you will get notified whenever I go live.

Thank you for watching my video. If you like what you see, please subscribe and never miss a recipe http://www.YouTube.com/c/ChefAJ

To see my favorite products that I use in my videos please go here: http://www.Amazon.com/shop/ChefAJ

To try my program for FREE for 2 weeks please go here: https://feelfabulousoverforty.com/reg

Thank you for watching.

I’m Chef AJ and I make healthy taste delicious.

Love & Kale,

Chef AJ

Opinion | The End of Meat Is Here | The New York Times

Is any panic more primitive than the one prompted by the thought of empty grocery store shelves? Is any relief more primitive than the one provided by comfort food?

Most everyone has been doing more cooking these days, more documenting of the cooking, and more thinking about food in general. The combination of meat shortages and President Trump’s decision to order slaughterhouses open despite the protestations of endangered workers has inspired many Americans to consider just how essential meat is.

Is it more essential than the lives of the working poor who labor to produce it? It seems so. An astonishing six out of 10 counties that the White House itself identified as coronavirus hot spots are home to the very slaughterhouses the president ordered open.

In Sioux Falls, S.D., the Smithfield pork plant, which produces some 5 percent of the country’s pork, is one of the largest hot spots in the nation. A Tyson plant in Perry, Iowa, had 730 cases of the coronavirus — nearly 60 percent of its employees. At another Tyson plant, in Waterloo, Iowa, there were 1,031 reported cases among about 2,800 workers.

Sick workers mean plant shutdowns, which has led to a backlog of animals. Some farmers are injecting pregnant sows to cause abortions. Others are forced to euthanize their animals, often by gassing or shooting them. It’s gotten bad enough that Senator Chuck Grassley, an Iowa Republican, has asked the Trump administration to provide mental health resources to hog farmers.

Despite this grisly reality — and the widely reported effects of the factory-farm industry on America’s lands, communities, animals and human health long before this pandemic hit — only around half of Americans say they are trying to reduce their meat consumption. Meat is embedded in our culture and personal histories in ways that matter too much, from the Thanksgiving turkey to the ballpark hot dog. Meat comes with uniquely wonderful smells and tastes, with satisfactions that can almost feel like home itself. And what, if not the feeling of home, is essential?

And yet, an increasing number of people sense the inevitability of impending change.

Animal agriculture is now recognized as a leading cause of global warming. According to The Economist, a quarter of Americans between the ages of 25 and 34 say they are vegetarians or vegans, which is perhaps one reason sales of plant-based “meats” have skyrocketed, with Impossible and Beyond Burgers available everywhere from Whole Foods to White Castle.

Our hand has been reaching for the doorknob for the last few years. Covid-19 has kicked open the door.

At the very least it has forced us to look. When it comes to a subject as inconvenient as meat, it is tempting to pretend unambiguous science is advocacy, to find solace in exceptions that could never be scaled and to speak about our world as if it were theoretical.

Some of the most thoughtful people I know find ways not to give the problems of animal agriculture any thought, just as I find ways to avoid thinking about climate change and income inequality, not to mention the paradoxes in my own eating life. One of the unexpected side effects of these months of sheltering in place is that it’s hard not to think about the things that are essential to who we are.
We cannot protect our environment while continuing to eat meat regularly. This is not a refutable perspective, but a banal truism. Whether they become Whoppers or boutique grass-fed steaks, cows produce an enormous amount of greenhouse gas. If cows were a country, they would be the third-largest greenhouse gas emitter in the world.

According to the research director of Project Drawdown — a nonprofit organization dedicated to modeling solutions to address climate change — eating a plant-based diet is “the most important contribution every individual can make to reversing global warming.”

Americans overwhelmingly accept the science of climate change. A majority of both Republicans and Democrats say that the United States should have remained in the Paris climate accord. We don’t need new information, and we don’t need new values. We only need to walk through the open door.

We cannot claim to care about the humane treatment of animals while continuing to eat meat regularly. The farming system we rely on is woven through with misery. Modern chickens have been so genetically modified that their very bodies have become prisons of pain even if we open their cages. Turkeys are bred to be so obese that they are incapable of reproducing without artificial insemination. Mother cows have their calves ripped from them before weaning, resulting in acute distress we can hear in their wails and empirically measure through the cortisol in their bodies.

No label or certification can avoid these kinds of cruelty. We don’t need any animal rights activist waving a finger at us. We don’t need to be convinced of anything we don’t already know. We need to listen to ourselves.

We cannot protect against pandemics while continuing to eat meat regularly. Much attention has been paid to wet markets, but factory farms, specifically poultry farms, are a more important breeding ground for pandemics. Further, the C.D.C. reports that three out of four new or emerging infectious diseases are zoonotic — the result of our broken relationship with animals.
Our Cruel Treatment of Animals Led to the Coronavirus

It goes without saying that we want to be safe. We know how to make ourselves safer. But wanting and knowing are not enough.

These are not my or anyone’s opinions, despite a tendency to publish this information in opinion sections. And the answers to the most common responses raised by any serious questioning of animal agriculture aren’t opinions.

Don’t we need animal protein? No.

We can live longer, healthier lives without it. Most American adults eat roughly twice the recommended intake of protein — including vegetarians, who consume 70 percent more than they need. People who eat diets high in animal protein are more likely to die of heart disease, diabetes and kidney failure. Of course, meat, like cake, can be part of a healthy diet. But no sound nutritionist would recommend eating cake too often.

If we let the factory-farm system collapse, won’t farmers suffer? No.

The corporations that speak in their name while exploiting them will. There are fewer American farmers today than there were during the Civil War, despite America’s population being nearly 11 times greater. This is not an accident, but a business model. The ultimate dream of the animal-agriculture industrial complex is for “farms” to be fully automated. Transitioning toward plant-based foods and sustainable farming practices would create many more jobs than it would end.

Don’t take my word for it. Ask a farmer if he or she would be happy to see the end of factory farming.

Isn’t a movement away from meat elitist? No.

A 2015 study found that a vegetarian diet is $750 a year cheaper than a meat-based diet. People of color disproportionately self-identify as vegetarian and disproportionately are victims of factory farming’s brutality. The slaughterhouse employees currently being put at risk to satisfy our taste for meat are overwhelmingly brown and black. Suggesting that a cheaper, healthier, less exploitative way of farming is elitist is in fact a piece of industry propaganda.

Can’t we work with factory-farming corporations to improve the food system? No.

Well, unless you believe that those made powerful through exploitation will voluntarily destroy the vehicles that have granted them spectacular wealth. Factory farming is to actual farming what criminal monopolies are to entrepreneurship. If for a single year the government removed its $38-billion-plus in props and bailouts, and required meat and dairy corporations to play by normal capitalist rules, it would destroy them forever. The industry could not survive in the free market.

Perhaps more than any other food, meat inspires both comfort and discomfort. That can make it difficult to act on what we know and want. Can we really displace meat from the center of our plates? This is the question that brings us to the threshold of the impossible. On the other side is the inevitable.

With the horror of pandemic pressing from behind, and the new questioning of what is essential, we can now see the door that was always there. As in a dream where our homes have rooms unknown to our waking selves, we can sense there is a better way of eating, a life closer to our values. On the other side is not something new, but something that calls from the past — a world in which farmers were not myths, tortured bodies were not food and the planet was not the bill at the end of the meal.

One meal in front of the other, it’s time to cross the threshold. On the other side is home.

Jonathan Safran Foer is the author of “Eating Animals” and “We Are the Weather.”