Season 3 Episode 29: Dr. Alan Desmond – Part 2 – 97% of the USA is Deficient in This. Are You? —

On a day-to-day basis, we can choose what kind of microbiome we’re going to build. Rip and Dr. Desmond explain how a healthy microbiome not only affects our physical health, but also our emotional well-being.

This week, we get into the nitty-gritty of gut health with Part Two of our conversation with Gastroenterologist, Dr. Alan Desmond. If you missed part one with Dr. Desmond’s Top 10 Prescriptions for Better Health, we highly recommend a listen!

Let me ask you this — “Where do you get your fiber?” If your first answer is Metamucil or any other fiber supplement, this episode is for you.

So many of us have what is known as a “carcinogenic microbiome.” It’s an unfortunate truth that millions are walking around with a gut filled with cancer-promoting cells. Not only is this leading to so many of the preventable chronic lifestyle diseases, but also debilitating mental and cognitive issues like depression, anxiety, dementia, and alzheimer’s.

BUT, here’s the great news. The studies also tell us that the more fruits and vegetables we consume, the higher our levels of optimism and the lower our levels of depressive symptoms.

How is that possible? Dr. Desmond and Rip explain the why and how.

Continued on Source: Season 3 Episode 29: Dr. Alan Desmond – Part 2 – 97% of the USA is Deficient in This. Are You? — PLANTSTRONG Podcast